PIAP Space, a leading Warsaw-based technology company, has announced the launch of the INORT (In-Orbit Refuelling Technology for Unprepared and Prepared Satellites) project. The initiative aims to analyse and develop solutions to extend the operational lifetime of satellites by designing in-orbit refuelling technology. This technology will solve the problem of satellites being taken out of service due to lack of fuel while they are still fully functional. Poland’s contribution to the European Space Agency (ESA) funds the project, which is being executed in collaboration with two centers of the Łukasiewicz Research Network — Institute of Aviation.
“We are excited to contribute to the sustainable development of space technologies through the INORT project. This initiative strengthens our commitment to responsible space operations and actively drives innovation in satellite technology. We are providing solutions that address current needs and shape the future of space technology”
– said Marcin Dobrowolski, CEO of PIAP Space.
“The ability to refuel satellites in orbit is crucial for the future of space exploration. It can lead to significant cost savings by reducing the need to replace satellites and decreasing the number of satellites that need to be deorbited. This technology will apply to both current satellite models and next-generation satellites”
– said Paweł Surmacz, Head of the Satellite Propulsion Section at the Łukasiewicz – Institute of Aviation.
Media Contact
Maciek Mysliwiec | maciek@spaceagency.biz