Submit information about your event! Provide us with information on what, where, why, who, when, how, and we will share the information with the world.
For example, consortiums that implement Horizon Europe or other projects and organising an event.
Any organisations who want to inform the world about public event they organise.
Organisations or agencies who organise event on behalf of the company/ project / other organisation.
We would expect your press release to be sent in Word document with any visual materials in attachment – logos, images, graphics etc.
We will publish your press release on and our social media channels: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
We will publish only complete information about the event. Your data should answer the questions: where, how, what, who, why, when… know, and where. We reserve the right not to publish content if we find that the content is not of good quality, important information is missing, or we spot any ethical issues within the range received.
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