- The free online workshop for LCA practitioners of any level is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM CEST.
- Learn how to apply LCA principles to real-world scenarios and make informed decisions, leveraging the expertise of the ALIGNED and LIGNICOAT projects.
Aalborg, Denmark. September 10, 2024 – The ALIGNED and LIGNICOAT projects will conduct an online training session on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Bio-Based Products. This free workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM CEST.
Designed for professionals and stakeholders working with bio-based materials, the training will provide a deep dive into LCA principles and their application in the context of bio-based materials and coatings. Participants will benefit from the projects’ insights, practical examples, and interactive questions and answers sessions.
To ensure the content is tailored to your needs, please complete this survey and register here.
The training is divided into three segments, each featuring a theoretical overview, a practical case study, and a Q&A period. This structure is ideal for those who have a background in bio-based materials and want to gain a solid understanding of LCA.
- Welcome and Introduction: Michele Ponzelli (AXIA Innovation, LIGNICOAT) and Rocío Garcia (Sustainable Innovations, ALIGNED)
- Project Overview: Aitor Barrio (TECNALIA, LIGNICOAT) and Massimo Pizzol (Aalborg University, ALIGNED)
- Why LCA? Importance of LCA and Introduction
- Scale-up from Lab to Industrial Scale: Theoretical Background + Practical Example + Q&A with Leo Staccioli (ARDITEC Association, LIGNICOAT)
- Calculation Methods: Theoretical Background + Practical Example + Q&A
- Carbon Accounting (Static/Dynamic and Biogenic-Fossil) + Q&A: Massimo Pizzol (Aalborg University, ALIGNED)
- Wrap-up and Closing Remarks