GILL – Gendered Innovation Living Labs project, funded under the European Union’s Research and Innovation Framework Program Horizon Europe, has just organised its first meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on the 30th and 31st of January 2023, where the project partners came together to meet for the first time and discuss the upcoming activities and tasks.
The project’s main goal is to develop a pan-European collaboration and learning hub with the overall aim to become the open-gendered innovation framework for all European actors. The novelty of GILL is that this project builds on the Living Lab methodology by adopting a co-creation approach to develop mechanisms such as methodologies, services, and tools through a series of 15 pilot cases across 8 European countries (United Kingdom, Romania, Spain, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Greece, and Denmark). The GILL mechanisms focus on transforming individual, team, and organisational practices with the purpose of integrating gender and diversity into product design, technologies, innovation, and policy design. To that aim, GILL fosters dialogue and co-creation activities among the 4 key actors of the Quadruple Helix model: academia, the public sector, industry, and citizens.
The GILL Consortium consists of 17 partners from 10 different countries, all with multidisciplinary and complementary expertise in several research areas. Geographically, the partners cover all the main regions of Europe, ensuring that the project outcomes will be adaptable across the Union.
More information about GILL is available at: